Want to help?

Nehalem Bay Health Center is a Non-profit 501(c)(3) Federally Qualified Health Center. We rely on a variety of funding sources, including federal grants, Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance payments, and the kindness of individual donors. The generosity of individual and corporate donors helps offset the cost of providing service to those in the community who need care. 

Here are some ways you can support us:

With a financial contribution:

  • Send a tax-deductible donation by check to Nehalem Bay Health Center, PO Box 176, Wheeler, OR 97147. Please note “Donation in the memo line.

  • Or donate online through our PayPal account:

Link your Fred Meyer Community Rewards to Nehalem Bay Health Center:

Volunteer Opportunities: Nehalem Bay Health Center welcomes involvement from our community members. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities available, including serving on the Patient Advisory Council or our Board of Directors. If you are interested in volunteering or sponsoring one of our events, email info@nehalembayhealth.org or call 1-800-368-5182, Ext. 111.